Diamond Slice Set

Tagua thin slices, buttons, and pambil beads are featured in this unique set. Comes in a multitude of color combinations:Mustard/Avocado, Black/Turquoise, Turquoise/Brown Avocado/Orange, Purple/Avocado, Natural/Red, Purple/Natural, and Orange/Green. Set includes matching necklace, bracelet, and earrings. Adjustable slide closure on necklace.

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SKU: 23968

MSRP: $7.50

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Additional information


Pambil, Tagua


Black/Turquoise, Blue/Tan, Brown/Blue, Brown/Orange, Green/Orange, Orange/Green, Orange/Tan, Purple/Green, Purple/Tan, Red-Tan, Turquoise/Red, Yellow/Green


Bracelet, Earrings, Necklace, Set



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